July 31, 2011

lit d'hôpital

I am on a 10 day leave.. due to being in lit d'hôpital.. I am not gonna go into details about whats going on and why I am here.. but just to let you know there are 2 options that make come out of this situation: only 2 about this blog  - 

  1.           Either I will post like crazy (since I m in a bed all day and don't have much to do then to be online and post  - the posts may not be very very cheerful, and I hope they will not be about my current dwellings and life - but we'll see...)                                   OR
  2. I will not be able to post a lot.. if I take yesterday as a starting point, my room was never empty.. but never ever.. I had to walk away from my own bed and room to get air and breath.. 

so here are the 2 options I am left with - either MILLIONS  of posts or NONE.. 
time will show.. 

please do take care of yourselves! 


July 28, 2011

happy birthday!

It's been a year since I started this blog.. 1 year! I cannot believe how time passed so quickly! but that's that.. A year has passed.. so many changes have happened in my life.. I have evolved in so many ways since I started this blog, I have changed so much myself.

First of all, I have to thank each and everyone of you who read my blog and who comment, thank you so much! thank you so much for encouraging me to write more each day.
Thank you all for your support, your input..

When I look back, I realize how much I have evolved as a writer..
I was a shy girl, who tried to be sincere and to relate to her readers.. I am still shy. I still edit my thoughts when I type them - I try not to do it as much- but still, its innate in some way..

so a year, huh? wow! so many changes, so many thoughts, so many posts and comments.. (not so many followers) ! but believe me, I am glad to have all of my followers, and I appreciate each and everyone of you!!!!

thank you so much..
(why do I feel like I gave a thank you speech at the Oscars, and have taken all the time to give it - I hate those who do that)

ending it now.. kisses to each and everyone of you.. thank you!
blowing the candles now..

simple package/minimal choices

Ever think about brands and their logos? the transformation they go through.. first the decision on their name, then the branding, the color choices etc.

here are some transformations.. however backwards from what I have just told you.. it shows the simplifications of branding.. what a bottle design would look like with out all the mambo jambo.. and how simplificity works (better)

images  via

July 25, 2011

genc kiz

mukemmel olmaya ugrasan bir gec kiz dusunun.. saci, basi, makyaji, herseyi mukemmel olmali. ojeleri duzgun, tirnaklari torpulu olmali. tirnaklarini yememeli. saclarinin kivrimlari duzgun dusmeli omuzlarina. dik durmali, sirti hep dimdik. kiyafeti utulu olmali. disleri temiz, bembeyaz. cantasi uyumlu olmali ayakkabilariyla. yuzu hep gulmeli. hep mutlu olmali mukemmel kiz. mutlu olmali iste, hep mutlu. pozitif, aktif ve sosyal. sesi cikmali ama cazgir olmamali. dusunmeli, dusundurtmeli. herseyden birseyler bilmeli. tavla bilmeli, kahve yapmasini bilmeli. muzikten anlamali. dans etmesini sevmeli ama oturmasini da bilmeli. 
iste o genc kizi dusundunuz mu? 


life, death. start thinking about any of these and you end up with the other. they are so combined, so in between. 

July 21, 2011

Rings~ a boy and a girl

I got myself some new rings.. I am not much of a jewelry person. However I couldn't keep myself from buying these..

July 20, 2011

weekend getaway

me, "my baby" and our friends are getting away from Istanbul, just for a few days.. leaving on Friday and getting back Sunday night.. I am OK with that.. 2 days is better than none!

so here's my dream about this weekend!..

pics via weheart it, collages by me


What an inspiration! As soon as I found NoBodyKnowsMarc - I think I fell in love, with the way he uses his lens to capture details.. 
here are a few that I liked.. 

July 19, 2011


Just reading a book and enjoying the view..

July 18, 2011

summer inspiration board

via  a fashion neverland, little plastic horses
collage by me

July 17, 2011

still in need of a vacation

there are some amazing places in this world that I want to see before I die.. like this place, in Maldives..
it is just so hot in Istanbul, it is so humid that functioning normally is just hard.. going to work tomorrow will be hard also.. but I am guessing that we will have a good time on our terrace..
it would be so much better, if our terrace looked something like the picture above..

July 15, 2011

I need a vacation / tatilim geldi

I really do need a vacation.. it is 30'C in Istanbul.. and after the busy week that I had, it is that time of the year.. that time, that I long for a sandy beach, ice cold waters... laying under the sun, sipping my margharita.. oh I wish.. I actually might be the only girl in Istanbul that is not tanned..

but you know what Ladies and Gents, this week I will be working from home.. lying under the sun.. and sipping my ice tea - not my margharita unfortunately.. and no beach.. but still.. maybe sometime next week, or the week after that.. sometime this summer, I do plan to be able to relax and enjoy the HOT weather..


Istanbul'un bu sicak havasi ve gecen bu haftadaki yogunlugum nedeniyle, artik karar verdim, acil bir tatile ihtiyacim var.. bu sicak hava da kosusturmak beni cok yordu acikcasi.. tek istedigim, kumlu bir sahilde, ayaklarim buz gibi suya girsin.. serinleyeyim.. sonra sicak gunesin altinda, isinirken, buz gibi margaritami yudumlasam.. iste kurdugum hayal bu simdilik..

bu hayalle beraber gecirmeyi umuyorum bu haftami.. isten calismak yerinden, evden calismak istiyorum.. biraz dinlenip, biraz guneslenmek adina.. ama en yakin zamanda, guzel bir tatile ihtiyacim oldugu gercegi degismiyor.. Benim gibi Istanbul'daysaniz bilirsiniz ne demek istedigimi.. nefes aldirmayan bir sicak var.. klima bile yaramiyor evin icindeyken.. cam acmak ise sadece disardaki sesi eve sokuyor.. gunde 5 kere dus alip ustumu degistirmekten, camasir makinasi pes etcek sanirsam artik..

July 10, 2011

red in CFDA

Karlie Kloss, Doutzen Kroes and Alessandra Abrossio wore RED for CFDA Awards..
All 3 looks gorgeous! don't they?

hipster Disney beauties



"We’re fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance."
                                                                                                                                    Japanese Proverb

July 8, 2011

office party

Yesterday we had an office party on our terrace... Even though we - "my baby" and I- didn't stay for long, we did have fun.. and as I heard later this morning, apparently right after we left, the party got so much more fun.. so, believe me when I say, we all are looking forward to the next party - oh, yes we are!


"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead." 
                                                                                                               Charles Bukowski

July 7, 2011


I woke up to these this morning.. Love the hues, the colors..

July 6, 2011

qoutes to live by

all via pinterest

thai lanterns - Yi Peng

Yi Peng - Floating Lights Festival apparently is an annual Thai Holiday. Thousands of lanterns are lit and left to float the sky.. and as you can see an amazing view...

This is what I want for my wedding - I have been saying this to my friends - I want each guest to write on lanterns, their wishes for me and my husband to be, and then we letting each and every lantern to be let into the sky..

images via


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