February 20, 2011

topshop unique / who let the dogs out?

I am really loving these shots from Topshop Unique LFW..

the first thing that came to my mind was "who let the dogs out?" and now I am listening to the song..
yes, that's not so cool!
but these garments are!

PS - I am loving the hair! Amazingly cute!


which is your favorite look?

pink bags / pembe cantalar

For a while, I have been looking around, shopping online (meaning I am just putting everything to my cart and then skipping the payment part, moving onto a new store) and I realized that there is 1 common item in all...

A pink bag!

Cok uzun zamandir online alisveris yapmiyorum.. apmiyorum derken; butun istediklerimi alisveris sepetime atiyorum fakat almadan hemen baska bir siteye geciyorum.. Gecen gun bir baktim ki butun sepetlerin hepsinde 1 ortak eleman bulunuyor.. 

Pembe canta!

what's your common item? 
sizin ki nedir? 

February 18, 2011

February 17, 2011

"my baby" / missing you

missing someone isn't about how long it has been since you've seen them or the amount of time since you've talked. it's about that very moment when you're doing something and wishing they were right there with you.

DVF Spring 2011

before I have told you that I have a friend working besides Diane VF. I love her work! I might also be in love with her color palette and her prints... Love DVF!!!
(note: you might always see stuff from DVF - I hope you love her as much as I do)

DVF askimi her zaman anlatabilirim, paylasabilirim.. daha onceden de paylasmistim sizinle, Diane<2de cocukluk arkadasimda calisiyor.. kiyafetleri mukemmel.. design lara soyleyecek sozum yok.. ama en onemlisi: kiyafetler, elbiseler cuk diye oturuyor vucudunuza, havaniza hava katiyorlar.

Purple my favorite color
Mor -en sevdiğim renk

Brown / Kahverengiler 

Black and White
Siyah ve Beyazin uyumu 

and all the others that I love
ve diger begendiklerim...

February 15, 2011

decor (3)

I have been posting inspirations for myself and for you in terms of decoration... decor1, decor2
Our moving process has been started after a long delay of unfortunate events.. however now is the time for me to get inspired and find a way to make the space feel as mine, make it mine!
so here are a few more inspirations...  let me know of your ideas and if you have any inspirations please do share!

Birkac haftadir yeni tasinacagimiz ev icin ilham ve fikir arayisina girmis bulunmaktayim..
daha oncedende paylastim sizle birkacini.. oglen arasinda arastirmalarima hizla devam ediyorum.. cati katimi kisisellestirme ve benim yapma cabalarim hic son bulmayacak sanirsam.. iste yeni buldugum birkac resim ve keske bende yapabilsem dediklerim: (fikirlerinizi veya kendi ilhamlarinizi lutfen benle paylasin, cok sevinirim!)

some images via madebygirl

February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day / Sevgililer Gunu

What a perfect gift from "my baby".. www.ozbeymelisiseviyor.com  "my baby" has made me smile after a long weekend of sorrow and grief.
He is the most important thing in my life.. his kindness, his friendship.. how important love is in our lives..

I was not the biggest supporter of Valentine's day after years of spending it alone.However now, I realize the importance of the words " I love you" and the power they have in ones life.

I am so happy to share this day and every day with him.. I love you, I love you so much..

he created this site asking "how much do you think Ozbey (him) loves Melis (me) ? )
how creative is that?

I love you so much baby.. words can't explain.. I am so lucky to have you in my life.. in my heart.. day and night.. you are the reason I can smile, that days pass by, you are the reason I am strong and moving forwards..
may our life spent together be as happy as these past times, may they be even merrier and filled with happiness..

Bugun sevgililer gunu.. ne kadar mutlu ne kadar ask dolu birgun..hele bir de sizi seven, hep sizi dusunen bir sevgiliniz varsa.. bebegim bana bir surpriz hazirlamis.. bir internet sitesi.. www.ozbeymelisiseviyor.com diye.. inanamadim gozlerime.. arkadaslarimizdan gelen yorumlar, resimlerimiz.. daha guzel bir hediye dusunemezdim..

bana mutlulugu yasatan bebegimi o kadar cok seviyorum ki ve onun da beni ne kadar sevdigini bilmek insana huzur veren bir duygu.. arkadaslarimizin da bu sevgimize tanik olmalari daha da inanilmaz..

seni cok seviyorum bebegim.. hep yanimda oldugun icin, hep benimle oldugun icin, hep sevgini hissettirdigin icin, destek oldugun icin, benim oldugun icin.. tesekkur ederim.. seni cok seviyorum!

deep pain / acimiz buyuk

After his long battle with alzheimer's and the consequences of the monster, we lost my grandpa this friday..
it was like I knew something was coming, something deep, hurtful.. something painful.. I never thought it would be losing him.. I never imagined a life without him.. but now its time to get used to the pain.. now is the time to recover.. and to stick together as a family..

one understands how short life can be.. how hard and painful it might get.. and the importance of family, friends, relatives.. importance to live life, enjoy it and not take it for granted.. life isn't all about accomplishments, or awards, or money.. it's about how much you laughed, how much happiness you gave to others.. life is short.. so please do live it to the fullest!
Cuma günü canim dedemi kaybettik.. uzun zamandir Alzheimer ile savasiyordu kendisi.. ve hastaligin getirdigi komplikasyonlar son bir aydir kendisini cok yordu.. daha fala direnemedi canim dedem. hep guclu, hep guler yuzlu olan dedemi kaybetmenin acisiyla, yasamimizin ne kadar kisa ve anlamsiz olabilecegini farkettim.. hergun yaptiklarimizin ileride bize nasil yansiyabilecegini.. cenazesinde acimizi bizimle paylasanlar arasinda, harp okulundan sinif arkadaslari vardi.. herbiri dedemi hic tanimadigimiz yonleriyle anlattilar bizlere.. ailesi vardi.. binbiryerden onu son kez ugurlamaya gelen ailemiz.. aile arkadaslarimiz vardi.. gucsuz oldugumuzda bizi elimizden tutan, sirtimizi yasladiklarimiz..
hayatin ne kadar kisa olabilcegini bir kez daha anladim bu haftasonu.. arkadasliklarin ve ailenin onemini. kahkalarin neler yaratabilecegi. mutlulugun onemini ve getirilerini. yasam cok kisa.. lutfen hergunu mutlulukla yasamaya calisin!

February 11, 2011

GAGA Vogue

I saw this at fashiongonerogue and couldn't keep myself from sharing.. GAGA somehow looked different, but she is never the same right?

Fotograflari fashiongonerogue da gordum ve paylasmadan edemeyecegim.. GAGA nedense bana bir farkli geldi ama GAGA yi hic ayni gormedik zaten..

been working / calismak

I haven't been blogging for almost a week now, since I started my new job.. I am not overworked or anything, that part of my life hasn't started yet.. however it is the waking up early and going to work part that has been keeping me away. I feel like a new person now that I have this responsibility however I also feel somewhat less, because I left a big part of my life back in the States. There are other things also that are in my mind but they are dark thoughts about life and death ( my grandpa is sick and things don't look so well), I do not want to be pessimistic and steal the joy out of your day..

I will try to keep you updated and post what I have been savig for a week now.. So there might be a few posts this weekend waiting for all of you.. Hope I do not bore you!
have a great weekend! yeay, TGIF!

1 haftami tamamliyorum is yerimde fakat dikkatimi cekti ki 1 haftadir hicbirsey yazamamisim bloguma.. oysa ki durmadan bilgi toplama resim toplama modundaydim.. sanirim erkenden uyanip erkenden uyumak etkiledi beni.. yeni isimle beraber kendimi yeni bir insan gibi hissediyorum, evet calisan bir insanim ama hala sanki derse gitmem gerekiyor gibi geliyor.. birde insan kalbibi DC'de birakinca boyle oluyor sanirsam..

Bu haftasonu bolbol topladiklarimi post etmeyi planliyorum.. bombardman baslasin.. aman sikilmayin.. benim icim biraz sikkin.. dedemin hastaligi hepimizi etkiledi.. ama bunu daha fazla irdeleyip sizinde gelen haftasonunuzu bozmayacagim. simdiden iyi haftasonlari!

February 6, 2011

new job / calisma zamani

Tomorrow will be my first day at my new job, my first real job actually.. now I am a young women entering the work force.. worried a little, a little scared too.. but yet very excited.. I hope I will do my job well.. and prove to others and myself that I can do this! wish me luck!

Yarin benim icin cok onemli bir gun.. yepyeni hayatimin baslangici da diyebiliriz.. Yarin yeni isime baslama gunum.. Inanilmaz heycanliyim ama ayni zamanda icimde kucuk pitircik korkular da var.. sans dileyin bana, ihtiyacim olcak sanirsam ki.. 

February 5, 2011

missing / ozledim

Since I got back from DC all I have been thinking about is my old life, my friends, "my baby".. I constantly think about the time spent, the memories formed, our friendships.. I once again realize how important friends are, especially those you can count on, those you can sit with for hours without the need to act differently, as someone else.. I miss each and every one of them..

Istanbul'a geldigimden beri eski hayatimi ozluyorum. Washington'daki hayatimizi, arkadaslarimi, "bebegimi".. gunler gectikce arkadaslarimin degerini daha cok anliyorum. beraber gecirdigimiz zamanlari. konusmadan otursak bile, sevdigimiz insanlarin sadece yanimizda olmasi ne kadar da onemliymis. soylenmeden anlasilan cumleler, duygular.. simdi bense uzaktan buraya aktariyorum hislerimi.. belki okurlar, beni hatirlarlar.. ne kadar ozledigimi anlatabilirim belki onlara.. 

February 4, 2011

new twitter account

Ok, I really don't understand twitter and how it actually works.. people writing what they are doing every second or what the @ or the # means and their uses.. I just don't get it.. but due to a friends request I opened a new account and deactivated the other one I had for this blog! (the blog one did not work well, because I never posted anything!)
so.. twitter here I come.. I'll try to be like other people and tweet tweet like crazy.. but don't expect much from me.. though when you think about it if a 10 yr old can do it so should I, right?

Bir arkadasimin istegi uzerine twitter actim tekrarda.. onceden de bir hesabim vardi - bu blog icin acmistim- fakat durmadan ne yaptigimi yazmak sacma geldigi icin cok basarili olamadim "tweet"lemekte.. simdi bu arkadasimin istegi uzerine yeniden twittera dondum.. ne ise yaradigini, ve daha nasil kullanildigini tam ogrenemedim.. @ ler yada # lar ne ise yariyor, cozmem biraz zaman alicak sanirsam.. ama 10 yasindaki cocuk yapiyorsa ben neden basaramayim? 

for you "my baby":

As days pass slowly without you,
I am here keeping you close, in my heart, with our memories playing in my head. 
As days pass by, I try to keep warm in these cold nights, thinking of your eyes. 
It is hard for me and I know it is hard for you too
But as days pass without you, I know soon the day will come, when we will be together
Once again, a day will pass by when I am with you.


some more decor inspirations.. I believe I will post more of these since this is all I have in my mind.. and of course "my baby"
birazcik daha dekorasyon hakkinda resimler paylasiyorum sizlerle.. tasinma isleri bitene kadarda sanirim en cok bu konu uzerine yogunlasabilirim.. 





Marni is one of my favorite brands.. I have adored Marni's bags and clothes for a long time.. and look at these pictures, wouldn't you wear each piece? I would! I think I am in love once again with Marni!

                Marni'nin cantalarini ve kiyafetlerini uzun zamandir hayranlikla izler ve isterim.. ama hangisini alsam, hangisini secsem hicbir zaman karar veremem - cunku herbiri ayri guzel, her biri ayri ozel.. simdi bu resimlere bakinca, siz de hepsini istemez miydiniz?


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