After his long battle with alzheimer's and the consequences of the monster, we lost my grandpa this friday..
it was like I knew something was coming, something deep, hurtful.. something painful.. I never thought it would be losing him.. I never imagined a life without him.. but now its time to get used to the pain.. now is the time to recover.. and to stick together as a family..
one understands how short life can be.. how hard and painful it might get.. and the importance of family, friends, relatives.. importance to live life, enjoy it and not take it for granted.. life isn't all about accomplishments, or awards, or money.. it's about how much you laughed, how much happiness you gave to others.. life is short.. so please do live it to the fullest!
Cuma günü canim dedemi kaybettik.. uzun zamandir Alzheimer ile savasiyordu kendisi.. ve hastaligin getirdigi komplikasyonlar son bir aydir kendisini cok yordu.. daha fala direnemedi canim dedem. hep guclu, hep guler yuzlu olan dedemi kaybetmenin acisiyla, yasamimizin ne kadar kisa ve anlamsiz olabilecegini farkettim.. hergun yaptiklarimizin ileride bize nasil yansiyabilecegini.. cenazesinde acimizi bizimle paylasanlar arasinda, harp okulundan sinif arkadaslari vardi.. herbiri dedemi hic tanimadigimiz yonleriyle anlattilar bizlere.. ailesi vardi.. binbiryerden onu son kez ugurlamaya gelen ailemiz.. aile arkadaslarimiz vardi.. gucsuz oldugumuzda bizi elimizden tutan, sirtimizi yasladiklarimiz..
hayatin ne kadar kisa olabilcegini bir kez daha anladim bu haftasonu.. arkadasliklarin ve ailenin onemini. kahkalarin neler yaratabilecegi. mutlulugun onemini ve getirilerini. yasam cok kisa.. lutfen hergunu mutlulukla yasamaya calisin!